Terms of Service (the boring text)

· How is your data is collected?

This website does not use any form of cookies or tracking embeded in your browser. However, we do collect some anonymous data to provide better experience and keep tracking the overall activity on the website for statistics purposes. This may include, but is not limited to your location (country), device, browser, screen size, session time.

All of your account data remains private with the exception of your basic profile info such as username, profile picture (etc...) that falls under the public info category. You may add or delete any public info at any time, and it falls under your responsibility to keep your account up to date and accurate. Mytherland does not take any responsibility for any wrong or outdated info falling under this public info category.

· Account fair use

By creating an account, you are accepting the integrity of the terms of services (even if you don't read them). You are also agreeing to follow the rules below:

  • You are 14 or older.
  • Any form of harassment, insult, bad actions or any other kind of bad behavior is not allowed.
  • Any form of impersonation (i.e. using someone else's name, brand, without their proper consent as an identity for your account) is not allowed. We recooment to use your real name or a nickname, which refers to you.
  • Your account's public information should not contain any mature content, sexual themes, drugs related content, strong words or any kind of insult towards other users, communities, religions, genders, etc.
  • Multiple active accounts are no allowed and they will be suspended. Please, use a single account for all your progress.
  • Ghost accounts using temporary emails or spam emails are not allowed and will be filtered, even if registered for an active account.
  • Cheating is not tolerated. Triggering and expoilting bugs are taken as cheating as well. If you happen to find one, please report it to the staff team by using the help menu.
This site may suspend or ban your account without prior notice, if we detect any violation of the non-exhaustive list of rules above, which in addition also includes common sense wrongdoings. Depending on the severity, you maye be locked out of either your account and/or the platform, and may result in the deletion of your account and destruction of your data.

· Your own privacy and security using the platform

Never share personal information with other users. Keep your password safe, do not share it with anyone, remember that no staff member will ask for your password. Always make sure you are on the official website when you log in (myther.land) and check if the site URL uses secure protocol (https) to avoid phishing scams.

Your overall account info, data and progress is stored in the databases at the server service company. The data is not being shared to any third party. Several advanced security systems are applied and being updated, but no one can assure you the total security to avoid any leak or cyber attack. In case of any data leak, we will notify you as soon as possible but we do not take any responsibility for any damage caused by the leak.

· Copyright

This website's graphic contents and official bots characters are made by and belong to heavenly-roads and other staff members. It is prohibited to reuse, distribute, sell or share them as your own content.

· Credits

Founder · Designer · Programmer

heavenly-roadsJairo de Ara

Composer · Programmer assistant


Voice acting


· Licenses

Some icons are provided by icons8.com
SmoothScroll for websites by Balazs Galambosi
Drive by Alex (c) copyright 2013
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.

Copyright (C) 2025 - heavenly-roads (Jairo de Ara)
These terms may be subject to change at anytime without prior advice. If you are specifically the concerned type of user who reads the terms of service, you may want to check this page from time to time.